// COMMAND LINE INTERFACE HELP TEXT FILE // do not edit! <@HELP><@?> CLI Commands: ADDR APPTASKS ARP ATTRIB BGTASKS BIOS BOOT BOXES BUFFERS CALIB CANINFO CD CIL CLS COPY CYTASKS DATE DEL DELAY DIAS DIR DRIVES DUMP ECHO ERRORLOG EURO EXIT EXCEPT FC FCLOSEALL FILE FILES FORMAT GET GOTO HEAP HELP IF INFO INTS IP LABEL LINK LOG LSLLOAD LSLSAVE MD MEM NETSTAT PARTITION PAUSE PING PNPBIOS PROJECT RD REBOOT REM REN RESET REXX RTTASKS RUN TASKS1 TASKS2 TOUCHCFG TOUCHTEST TREE TYPE SEMAS SET SETENV SHOWENV STATUS US VER VOL XCOPY Keys and files: F2: Repeat last key at this position F3: Repeat last command from this position ESC: Clear current input line BSPC: Delete last input character CTRL-ALT-F1: Set US keyboard mapping CTRL-ALT-F2: Set German keyboard mapping cmd > filename: Redirect command output to file file.bat: Execute batch file AUTOEXEC.LSL: Startup batch file (searchs A:\\ then C:\\) @> <@DIR><@D> Displays a list of the files and subdirectories that are in the directory you specify. When you use DIR without parameters or switches, it displays the disk's volume label and serial number; one directory or filename per line, including the filename extension, the file size in bytes, and the date and time the file was last modified; and the total number of files listed, their cumulative size, and the free space (in bytes) remaining on the disk. DIR [/W] [/X] [/P-] [/A[+|-]] [filename] /W Displays the listing in wide format, with as many as five filenames or directory names on each line. /X extended display /P pause /A[+|-] include/exclude Attribute legal values for A: H, S, R, A, V, D filename name of path and files to display, may contain wildcards Short form: "D" @> <@TREE> Displays a complete directory tree hierarchy. TREE [pathname] pathname - name of the directory to start the display with @> <@CD><@CHDIR> Changes the current default directory. Short form: "CD" CHDIR [Drive:][Path] Example: Either of the following commands changes your current directory to the directory named LSLWORK: chdir \lslwork cd \lslwork Suppose you have a directory named MPC with a subdirectory named IMAGES. To change your current directory to \MPC\IMAGES, type the following command: cd \mpc\images Or, if your current directory is \MPC, you can use the following command to change to the \MPC\IMAGES directory: cd images To change from a subdirectory back to the parent directory, type the following command: cd.. To change to the root directory cd\ @> <@MD><@MKDIR> Creates a new directory. Short form: "MD" MKDIR [pathname] pathname - name of directory to create Example: Suppose you want to create a directory on the disk in the current drive. To create a directory named MYDIR, type the following command: mkdir \mydir You could also type this command with the same results: md mydir Now suppose that the MYDIR directory is the current directory and that you want to create a subdirectory of MYDIR named PROJECTS. To create the PROJECTS directory, type the following command: mkdir projects @> <@NETSTAT> Display information about the current TCP connections Prot - the connection's protocol Local Host - the IP address of the local machine Remote Host - the IP address of the remote client Status - Can be READY, BUSY or ERROR Example: Prot Local Host Remote Host Status ---------------------------------------------------- TCP BUSY @> <@VOL> Displays information about a volume VOL [pathname] pathname - name of a drive to display information about. Only the drive letter is taken from the path @> <@RD><@RMDIR> Removes a directory. Short form: "RD" RMDIR [pathname] pathname - name of directory to remove Example: To delete a directory named \USER\SMITH, first ensure that the directory is empty, as in the following example: dir \user\smith LASALOS should display only the "." and ".." symbols. Then, from any directory except \USER\SMITH, type the following command: rmdir \user\smith You can type the following command with the same result: rd \user\smith @> <@TYPE> Displays the contents of a text file. Use the TYPE command to view a text file without modifying it. TYPE [drive:][path]filename filename - name of file to display Example: If you want to display the contents of a file named HOLIDAY.MAR, type the following command: type holiday.mar @> <@ATTRIB><@ATTR> Displays or changes file attributes. Short form: "ATTR" ATTRIB [+R|-R] [+A|-A] [+S|-S] [+H|-H] filename + Sets an attribute - Clears an attribute R Read-only file attribute A Archive file attribute S System file attribute H Hidden file attribute Example: To display the attributes of a file named NEWS86 located on the current drive, type the following command: attrib news86 To assign the Read-Only attribute to the file REPORT.TXT, type the following command: attrib +r report.txt To remove the Read-Only attribute from files in the \PUBLIC\JONES directory on a disk in drive B and from files in any subdirectories of \PUBLIC\JONES, type the following command: attrib -r b:\public\jones\*.* /s As a final example, suppose you want to give an associate a disk containing all files in the default directory on a disk in drive A except files with the .BAK extension. Because you can use to copy only those files marked with the Archive attribute, you need to set the Archive attribute for those files you want to copy. To do this, you would use the following two commands to set the Archive attribute for all files on drive A and then to clear the attribute for those files with the .BAK extension: attrib +a a:*.* attrib -a a:*.bak Next, use the XCOPY command to copy the files from the disk in drive A to the disk in drive B. The /A switch in the following command causes XCOPY to copy only those files marked with the Archive attribute: xcopy a: b: /a If you want XCOPY to clear each file's Archive attribute after it copies the file, use the /M switch instead of /A, as in the following example: xcopy a: b: /m @> <@COPY><@C> Copies a file to a specified destination without checking for existing files. COPY source [destination] source - file name of the file to be copied destination - file name and/or directory of the new file default is "." Example: The following command copies a file and ensures that an end-of-file character is at the end of the copied file: copy memo.doc letter.doc /a To copy a file named ROBIN.TYP from the current drive and directory to an existing directory named BIRDS that is located on drive C, type the following command: copy robin.typ c:\birds If the BIRDS directory doesn't exist, LASALOS copies the file ROBIN.TYP into a file named BIRDS that is located in the root directory on the disk in drive C. @> <@FC> Compares the contents of two files and displays the differences between them. FC filename1 filename2 filename1 - name of file to be compared filename2 - name of file to compare with filename1 or directory to look for a file with the same name as filename1 @> <@REN> Changes the name of the file or files you specify. REN filename newname filename - name of file or directory to rename newname - new name for the given file or directory Example: To rename a file named CHAP10 (on drive B) to PART10, type the following command: ren b:chap10 part10 The newly renamed file PART10 remains on drive B. @> <@DEL><@ERASE> Erases a file. Short form: "DEL" ERASE filename filename - name of file to erase @> <@EXIT><@X> Terminate and exit this program. @> <@BUFFERS><@BUF><@B> Displays information about RTFiles' buffer cache. Short forms: "BUF" and "B" @> <@CLS> Writes a form feed character to stdout. @> <@FILES> Displays the contents of RTFiles' file table. @> <@FORMAT> Formats a logical drive. FORMAT Drive: Example: The FORMAT command creates a new root directory and file allocation table for the disk. It can also check for bad areas on the disk, and it can delete all data on the disk. In order for LASALOS to be able to use a new disk, you must first use this command to format the disk. @> <@LABEL> Creates, changes, or deletes a disk volume label of a disk. LABEL Drive: [Label] If no label is specified, any currently existing label is removed @> <@US> Set date/time display to US format. @> <@EURO> Set date/time display to European format. @> <@VER> Displays the LASAL OS version with release-date, current resolution & contact info. @> <@TASKS1><@TASKS> Displays information about the currently running tasks. Short form: TASKS @> <@TASKS2> Displays information about the currently running tasks and their waiting positions. @> <@BOXES> Displays information about all RTKernel-32 mailboxes. @> <@SEMAS> Displays information about all RTKernel-32 semaphores. @> <@INTS> Displays information about interrupts since program start. @> <@RESET> Sets the LASAL OS into RESET mode. @> <@RUN> Attempts to RUN the LASAL application. @> <@DUMP> Dump application memory. DUMP [start] - dumps 16 bytes starting at address 'start' DUMP [start] [end] - dumps bytes starting at 'start' through 'end' @> <@FILE> LASAL Data File Commands FILE LOAD - Load a data file FILE LOAD ACTIVE - Load the default active data file FILE LOAD ACTIVE filename - Load the specified file as the ACTIVE data file FILE LOAD XXXX filename - Load the specified file using the specified HEX mask FILE SAVE - Save a data file FILE SAVE ACTIVE - Save the default active data file FILE SAVE ACTIVE filename - Save the specified file as the ACTIVE data file FILE SAVE XXXX filename - Save the specified file using the specified HEX mask FILE DISPLAY - Display a data file FILE DISPLAY filename - Display the specified data file @> <@SET> Set LASAL OS Runtime Options" SET - Display all current LASAL OS settings SET [option] - Display current 'option' setting SET [option] [value] - Set 'option' to 'value' SET CLI [mode] [OFF|ON] - Set command line interface modes SET CLI RESET [OFF|ON] - Open/close the CLI on RESET (default ON) SET CLI RUN [OFF|ON] - Open/close the CLI on RUN (default OFF) SET CLI ERROR [OFF|ON] - Open/close the CLI on EXCEPTION (default ON) Example: SET CLI RUN ON SET CLI RESET OFF SET CLI ERROR ON SET CAN [port] [option] - Set CAN Port Data SET CAN [port] BAUD [value] STATION [addr] - Set CAN Port Baud & Station - port: CAN-Interface 1 or 2 - value: BaudTable-Index 0.. 615 Kb 1.. 500 Kb 2.. 250 Kb 3.. 125 Kb 4.. 100 Kb 5.. 50 Kb 6.. 20 Kb 7.. 1 Mb - addr: StationsNr. 0..25 Example: SET CAN 1 BAUD 0 STATION 23 SET CYCLIC - Display the Cyclic-Task Delay time SET CYCLIC DELAY [value] - Set the Cyclic-Task Delay !! WARNING: THIS OPTION IS ONLY FOR EXPERTS !! SET DATE - Set the Date (year[1990-2199],month,day) SET DIASERROR SET DIASERROR SET DIASERROR ENABLE|TRUE|ON SET DIASERROR DISABLE|FALSE|OFF SET EVENTLOG SET EVENTLOG SET EVENTLOG ON [file-quota] SET IP [option] [address] - Display Info about the IP addresses SET IP HOSTADDR [address] - Set the Hosts IP-address SET IP GATEWAY [address] - Set the Gateway IP-address SET IP SUBNET [address] - Set the Subnet mask Example: SET IP HOSTADDR 198 166 96 204 SET IP GATEWAY 255 255 255 255 SET IP SUBNET 255 255 255 0 SET KEYS [US|GERMAN] - Set Keyboard Layout SET KEYS US - Set US keyboard (CTRL-ALT-F1) SET KEYS GERMAN - Set German keyboard (CTRL-ALT-F2) SET LASALCOM [port] BAUD [value] - Set COM Port & Baudrate - port: COM-Interface; "COM1","COM2","COM3","COM4" or "NONE" - value: BaudRate; 300 baud 600 baud 1200 baud 2400 baud 4800 baud 9600 baud 14400 baud 19200 baud 38400 baud 56000 baud 115200 baud Example: SET LASALCOM COM1 BAUD 56000 to disable communication with lasal: SET LASALCOM NONE SET LCD [option] [value] - Display Current LCD settings SET LCD BRIGHTNESS [value] - Set the LCDs Brightness(0..255) SET LCD CONTRAST [value] - Set the LCDs Contrast(0..255) SET MOUSE {TYPE [PS/2 | COM1 | COM2 | COM3 | USB | TOUCH | TOUCHPS/2 | HAMPSHIRE | HAMUSB ]} {PORT 0x...} - Portaddress {IRQ num} - Interrupt number {BAUD num} - Baudrate only for TOUCH! {CURSOR num} - Cursorstyle (0..6) Example: SET MOUSE TYPE TOUCHPS/2 SET MOUSE TYPE COM3 PORT 0x3E8 IRQ 10 CURSOR 2 SET RAM SET RAM DISPLAY SET RAM LOG ON|OFF SET RAM RESET ON|OFF SET RAM POWERDOWN ON|OFF SET RAM FORMAT OLD|NEW SET RUNTIME [value] - Set Runtime Counter(0..255, 0 = DISABLED) SET PRINTER - Enable the Printer Interface SET TIME - Set the Time (hour,minute,second) SET VISU SET VISU HIGH|LOW SET WATCHDOG SET WATCHDOG ON|OFF SET WATCHDOG interval @> <@PAUSE> Suspends processing of a batch program and displays a message that prompts the user to press any key to continue. (for batch programs) @> <@PING> Sends a ping signal to a remote host, and checks the answer Transmitted are 4 packets of 32 byte data. PING [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] - the IP address of the remote host Example: Ping can be used to determine if a machine can be reached on the network PING [] @> <@REM> Enables you to include comments in a batch file or in your AUTOEXEC.LSL file. The REM command is also useful for disabling commands. REM [string] Example: rem SET MOUSE TYPE TOUCH -old cmd line rem Now i dont use the touch anymore -commnet SET MOUSE TYPE NONE -new cmd line @> <@CIL> Displays all registered Common Interface Libraries. @> <@BGTASKS> Displays all Application BackGround Tasks. @> <@CYTASKS> Displays all Application Cyclic Tasks. @> <@RTTASKS> Displays all Application Real-Time Tasks. @> <@APPTASKS> Displays all Application Real-Time,Cyclic & Background Tasks. @> <@EXCEPT> Displays or Resets Exception Information. EXCEPT - Display Exception Information EXCEPT RESET - Reset Exception Information @> <@BIOS> Displays BIOS Information. @> <@PROJECT> Displays Project Information. PROJECT [command] - Display Project Information" PROJECT MODULES - Display project module list" PROJECT LINK - Link the current project" PROJECT ERRORS - Display project linker errors" PROJECT INFO - Display project information" PROJECT SYMBOL [symbol] - Display project symbol information" PROJECT SAVE [directory] - Save project to specified Directory on HDD" PROJECT LOAD [directory] - Load project from specified Directory on HDD" PROJECT CLEAR - Remove actual Project out of Memory"); @> <@ADDR> Display the Address of a linked variable. @> <@ARP> Displays the physical MAC addresses of connected TCP clients. @> <@FCLOSEALL> Closes all open file handles. @> <@BOOT> Installs a Operating System image on disk. BOOT [drive:] image i.e: "BOOT c:\ipc.RTB" @> <@REBOOT> Resets & Reboots the machine... @> <@LSLSAVE><@SA> Save the current project onto disk. LSLSAVE [drive:] [path] IDX-name IDX-name - the project's index file is created with this name Note: For easy usage, standard savepath is c:\LSLWORK\PROJECT.IDX. if named, the index file is duplicated as "PROJECT.IDX", to use with LSLLOAD without a given path. @> <@LSLLOAD><@LO> Loads a saved project from disk. LSLLOAD [drive:] [path] IDX-name IDX-name - the project's index file Note: For easy usage, standard loadpath is c:\LSLWORK\PROJECT.IDX. @> <@CANINFO> Displays Information about the CAN-Settings. CANINFO [canport] @> <@XCOPY> Copies files and supports wildcards. XCOPY source [destination] source - files to be copied(*.ext, *.*) destination - file name and/or directory of the new files @> <@DELAY> Delays the specified time (for batch programs). DELAY [time] time - units in seconds @> <@DIAS> Displays available DIAS stations. DIAS [nr] nr - if a number is given only this station is displayed Additionally, if a DIAS MASTER is present, these functions become also available: DIAS UPDATE [filename] [sector] Updates the DIAS-MASTER program. Before updating, a backup BIN-file of the flash content is created in the \LSLSYS\ system directory with an unique filename. filename - the HEX(MCS) or BIN file to update sector - the number of the flash-sector to update(0 or 1) DIAS BACKUP [filename] [sector] Saves the actual content of a flash-sector to a BIN-file, which can be used to restore old versions. filename - the name of the backup-BIN-file. sector - the number of the flash-sector to backup(0 or 1) DIAS VERIFY [filename] [sector] Compares a specified file & the content of a flash-sector. filename - the HEX(MCS) or BIN file to compare sector - the number of the flash-sector to compare(0 or 1) DIAS INFO Displays the filenames of the current MASTER-programs in both flash-sectors. @> <@LINK> Displays Linker Information. LINK [option] LINK INFO - Displays general Linker information LINK MODULES - Displays information about all linked modules of this project @> <@LOG> Enables or Disables Logging features LOG [option] [value] LOG ACTIVE.DAT - Shows state of ACTIVE.DAT logging LOG ACTIVE.DAT [ON/OFF] - Enables/Disables writing a ACTIVE.LOG-file while writing the ACTIVE.DAT at Reset/Power down @> <@IF> An IF-THEN statement for batch programs to check if a file is (not)there. IF [NOT] EXISTS filename CLI-COMMAND Note: filename must be 8:3 and CLI-COMMAND can be any valid command. @> <@TOUCHCFG> Loads the Touch-Calibration values from a C:\TOUCHDAT.CFG file. @> <@TOUCHTEST><@TT> Loads the Touch-Calibration values from a C:\TOUCHDAT.CFG file and starts a simple touch-test. @> <@HEAP> Displays information about the applications Heap. @> <@IP> Displays information about the current TCP/IP settings. IP [command] - Display TCP/IP Information IP INFO - Display the hosts ip-address, the gateway address & the subnet mask. Also if a server is running, connected clients are shown. IP SHUTDOWN - Shutdown TCP-Debug-Server. Make sure all clients are offline. Note that this function blocks until the server is completely down. After the call, no TCP clients can connect until a restart is done, but you have the possibility to change the hosts IP address while the server isnt running. (See "SET IP ...") IP RESTART - Restart the TCP-Debug-Server after a shutdown. Usage example: "IP SHUTDOWN" - shutdown TCP server "SET IP HOSTADDR" 192 168 44 106 - change local IP address "IP RESTART" - restart TCP server "IP INFO" - check TCP settings @> <@MEM> Displays information about the operating systems heap memory. @> <@CALIB> Start a Calibration program for the Touch. Follow the instructions and the calibration-data is saved to a file TOUCHCFG.DAT in the rootdirectory. @> <@STATUS> Displays LASAL OS Status Information. @> <@DATE Shows current date and time. @> <@DRIVES Displays a list of available drives. DRIVES Tries to mount all drives and lists all drives which were successfully mounted. Floppy-drives without inserted disk are not listed, because they cannot be mounted. DRIVES RAW List all possible drives, also when they are not physically present, and displays their current mount-state, without changing it. DRIVES PHYSICAL Tries to mount all drives and lists all drives but floppies which are physically available. @> <@PARTITION Creates a single partition spanning the whole disk-capacity. The partition is set active. All data may be destroyed. usage: PARTITION pdi pdi - physical disk index; this value for the desired disk can be found with command "DRIVES PHYSICAL" in column "PDI" of the result list. @> <@ECHO Outputs the text following the keyword to the console. @ECHO suppresses the output of the source-line of the batch file and outputs only the text. For use in batch files only. @> <@ERRORLOG A shortcut to inspect the Kernel Error Logs. @> <@GET Store logged Kernel Errors. uasage: GET ERRORLOG [filename] @> <@GOTO usage: GOTO label] Continues execution of the batch file at Label "label", which must be preceded by a ":". For use in batch files only. @> <@HELP usage: HELP Displays available keywords and general help. HELP keyword Displays help regarding the keyword @> <@INFO Displays information to some specific topics. Serves mainly diagnostic purposes. usage: INFO USB - details about connected USB devices INFO INFOBLOCK - details about the xilinx-configuration INFO XREGS - spezial register INFO SIGMAIRQ - spezial register @> <@PNPBIOS Displays info about PnP and PCI bios. @> <@REXX Execute a REXX program. usage: REXX [program-name] @> <@SETENV Set or delete the value of an environment variable. Usage: SETENV variable-name @> <@SHOWENV Display the value of an environment variable. Usage SHOWENV variable-name @> // UNDOCUMENTED INTERNAL FUNCTIONS // do not use! // // <@LSLC> // Display the autoexec.lsl on C: // @> // <@LSLA> // Display the autoexec.lsl on A: // @> // <@DIAG> // Display the Diagnostic Window (hit any key to close) // @> // <@PNPBIOS> // Displays info about PnP bios // @> // <@SETREG> // MENKTEST_SetBreakPoint // @> // <@LOADER> // run the loader // @> // <@A> // teststuff // @> // <@XM> // Memory Mapping // @> // <@BATCH> // enable batch // @> // <@KILL> // kill Prj & files // @> // <@!> // warning // @> // <@INSTALL> // not used // @> // <@MEMORY> // not used // @> // <@CONVERT> // convert ACTIVE.dAT // @> // <@BPLIST> // Show the 4 Breakpoints // @> // <@NETSTAT> // netstat // @> // <@PING> // ping // @> // <@LOAD> // load server // @> // <@DEBUG> // debug tcp // @> // <@GETGMODE> // graphic mode // @> // <@UNLOAD> // Unloads the current project. // @> // <@FLASH> // @> // <@RMD // internal... // @> // // END OF HELP FILE //